Thursday, February 28, 2013


In our era losing something means getting lost in lots of screaming, tears, sympathy as well as empathy of others. But hardly anyone thinks that what he has gained & what he has lost. All the funda includes of the artificial calculations of the "big" peoples or the peoples who are considering themselves the the real rider of this universe. These people thinks that they are the real survival. But our fellow guys, they are convinced by them & are getting surrounded by the negative powers & getting let down.

Once I had read that A person with disabilities is a person having a multiple abilities, I know the sentence is totally meaningless, but once go through the each word, you will feel what the author of the book wants every body to let feel. Every person is a loser & every person is a gainer, depends upon how you think, I oppose you Mr. Anonymous because it is not us how we think, but it is the people/surrounding/environment enriching us, that reinforce us to think what they want or what is there. If you put tea leaves in the boiling milk than you can only make Tea not Coffee. Same theory applies here.

So somehow person & environment also matters.Losers are the real gainer. Changing the thinking, changing the Game.In all the matches it is not The Tendulkar who hits century each & every time. If century is hit than its good for him as well as for his fan but if he fails to do so or went on duck than it will be a best experience for him as he gets the best experience of his game & again he will not dare to do the same mistake.

Once a great philosopher Ricky Rudolf said "Fortune has fuck my Fate, Its not me whom should I hate, the thing is that I should wait and correct my fate, Let the bet and all will set" . Dear Mr. Rudolf Sorry to say that I am not satisfied by your comments on fate & fortune. Neither betting & nor waiting can set your fate. Its you who should have to work on to get the things.

"Either fuck or get ready to be get fucked" ........Line is abusive but to survive in this world of imaginations & Expectations It is the best thing to do. be continued